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Day of Shocking Realization

February 13, 20242 min read

There’s a daunting day in our lives when according to the world we reach an age when there is more behind us than in front of us.

Yes, I get it. Not an uplifting or encouraging subject and yet it could be.

It could be time to take stock of what we have done/achieved/learned and compare it to what we would like to have our time on this planet represent.

If we are believers in The Lord Jesus Christ then heaven for us is assured. God loves us even if we think we haven’t done all we could.

This is all about us! This is about legacy - what are we leaving behind? Are we leaving this place in a better condition than we found it?

All are sobering thoughts.

The scripture tells us ‘our latter days will be greater than the former’.  So how does that work? What does it look like in this day?

I have often pondered on the scripture in Luke 17:32 that says,

‘Remember Lot’s wife’.

I understand that she was yearning for what she had in Sodom in her past. If we look past that to what happened next …. She was turned into a pillar of salt, she was set in place looking back to what was  unable to move into her future.

We can be like that. The things we have had or accomplished are not the zenith of our existence unless we determine it. 

It is time to see ourselves as our Father sees us. There is so much untapped potential within in each one of us we simply have to believe it.

Someone very wise said;

‘Whether you believe you can or believe you can’t you are right!’

At the very least we are called to be examples of Christ like behaviour to our family first, then our workplace and wider sphere of influence. If we start there who knows what will come from that (God knows).

My encouragement to you today is to look forward with great expectation. God is so good and the best is yet to come. As you spend time in prayer and meditation allow Holy Spirit to give you dreams and visions of your future because we all do have yet unrealised potential. Let’s purpose to realise that potential and fulfil our destiny in God.

1 Corinthians 2:9 (TPT) This is why the scriptures say:

Things never discovered or heard of before,

Things beyond our ability to imagine —

These are the many things God has in store for all His lovers.

That’s you and me!

The best is yet to come! Only believe.

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Pamela Segneri

Pamela Segneri is the co-founder of Integrity Restoration Ministries Inc. Also the co-founder and Host of firestartersTV. Her desire is to see you fulfil your God given destiny.

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